Managing Firepower processes with pmtool

by Oliver Kaiser
Published: Updated:

Every now and then we all run into situation where software is not behaving as intended leaving us with the most battle tested troubleshooting approach ever discovered. Rebooting the whole system, crossing fingers and hoping that whatever went wrong inside the blackbox starts up again correctly and automagically recovers from its failed state. Does it work? Yes – sometimes just rebooting a system resolves issues at hand but most of the times a more graceful approach might be the better choice before resorting to a complete system halt. In this post we will look at managing Firepower processes with pmtool, a convinient command-line utility for interacting with Firepowers process manager.

Meet Firepower Process Manager

Process Manager (pm) is responsible for managing and monitoring all Firepower related processes on your system. It takes care of starting up all components on startup and restart failed processes during runtime. To interact with Process Manager the CLI utiltiy pmtool is available. Pmtool can be used to disable, enable, (re-)start services or just check the status of the various services PM is managing.

Which processes can I manage with pmtool?

Before diving into where we find pmtool and the specific syntax of managing the different firepower components let’s take a look at some important processes on both FMC and FTD

Firepower Management Center

adiUser Identity integration. ADI polls Active Directory for user:group mappings and integrates into ISE using pxGRID to download and parse session information (which are then handed over to SFDataCorrelator). Additionally adi is responsible for sending remediation requests to ISE
sftunnelEncrypted communication tunnel between FMC and FTD.
Used to push configuration and exchange state information between FMC and FTD
SFDataCorrelatorProcesses various (event) data streams and correlates received data with other datasets. SFDC stitches
together sensor events with vulnerability data available on FMC to enrich events but also processes things like user identity mappings and a lot of data correlation related tasks.
diskmanagerCleanup of old files like url databases, user identity dumps and various cache files
slaSmart Licensing agent
CloudAgentReaches out to AMP and Talos Cloud for ClamAV, URL Filtering and Security Intelligence updates
ui_archiverMonitors the mysql database that the (depcrecated) user agent inserts user:ip mappings into and creates ui.bin files that are then processed by SFDataCorrelator
SSEConnectorAgent that connects to Security Services Exchange for registering devices to SSE and shipping security events to the Cloud
PrometheusBackend for the new Health monitoring dashboard introduced with Firepower 6.7.0
tidThreat Intelligence Director backend
mysqldThe old mysql database backend (which is being replaced by sybase)
vmsDbEngineThe new database backend which slowly but steadily replaces the old mysql database backend
syncdFMC High Availability synchronisation
TomcatJava Webserver that hosts FMC REST API and is required by the UI to work

Firepower Threat Defense

adiUser identity integration. Directly connects to directory servers defined in realm configuration for authenticating captive portal users
sftunnelEncrypted communication tunnel between FMC and FTD.
Used to push configuration and exchange state information between FMC and FTD
EventHandlerProcesses UnifiedEvents (Connection/AMP/IPS Events) generated by snort
SFDataCorrelatorProcesses various (event) data streams and correlates received data with other datasets. SFDC stitches
together sensor events with vulnerability data available on FMC to enrich events but also processes things like user identity mappings and a lot of data correlation related tasks.
DetectionEngineSnort Detection Engine (NGFW portion of FTD) handling TLS Decryption, AVC, IPS, AMP, URL Filtering, Security Intelligence, etc. As for Firepower 6.7.0 (managed by FMC) Snort2 is being used which will be replaced with Snort3 soon
ngfwManagerHandles configuration deployment to lina and manages High Availability on FTD devices (responsible for synchronising data between peers)
linaStateful inspection engine. Lina stands for Linux over ASA and represents the good ol’ ASA code that still lives on in Firepower Threat Defense. Do not touch this process or FTD will reboot!
diskmanagerCleanup of old files like url databases, user identity dumps and various cache files
mysqldMysql database backend
tomcatJava Webserver that hosts Firepower Device Manager
bltdProcess that handles traffic destined to captive portal (exposes a UNIX socket which is used by snort to redirect traffic to bltd which in turn translates the source ip to 169.254.x.x and forwards the traffic to idhttpsd)
idhttpsdWebserver hosting captive portal

Now that we are aware of the different important processes running behind the scenes let’s take a look where pmtool is located and how we can use it to troubleshoot communication problems between FMC and FTD.

Where do I find pmtool?

On FTD pmtool is available from SFCLI (>) while on FMC you will need a bash root shell (root@ftd01:~#)
to access pmtool.

Before executing pmtool on FMC we will need to access the bash shell and change users to root. This can be done by executing the expert command from SFCLI followed by sudo -i

> expert
admin@ftd01:~$ sudo -i

What commands does pmtool provide?

While there a lot of different commands that might be handy for very specific troubleshooting scenario we will focusing on the following:

 root@ftd01:/home/admin# pmtool --help

Displaying process status

To get a quick overview of the running processes we can execute the status command and grep the important information

 root@ftd01:/home/admin# pmtool status | grep " - "
 loggerd (system) - Running 4519
 SFDataCorrelator (normal) - Running 4871
 expire-session (normal) - Running 4872
 TSS_Daemon (normal) - Running 4873
 snapshot_manager (normal) - Running 4874
 mysqld (system,gui,mysql) - Running 4520
 httpsd (system,gui) - Waiting
 idhttpsd (system,gui) - Running 17335
 sfmb (normal) - Running 4539
 sftunnel (system) - Running 12858
 sfmgr (system) - Running 12859
 sfmbservice (normal) - Running 12860
 fpcollect (normal) - Running 4863
 ntpd (normal) - Running 6335
 Syncd (normal) - Running 4864
 Pruner (normal) - Running 4865
 ReconcileState (system) - Running 4545
 ActionQueueScrape (system) - Running 4866
 rotate_stats (normal) - Running 4867
 run_hm (normal) - Running 8935
 sfestreamer (normal) - Waiting
 sfipproxy (normal) - Running 12861
 sftop (normal) - Running 4548
 detectionhealthd (normal) - Running 4549
 rrd_server (normal) - Running 4550
 snmpd (normal) - Waiting
 sfhassd (normal) - Running 4551
 diskmanager (normal) - Running 15189
 adi (normal) - Running 7708
 bltd (normal) - Running 4554
 pdts_proc (system) - Running 4555
 ndmain (normal) - Running 4556
 ndclientd (normal) - Running 4557
 logmonitor (normal) - Running 4558
 ngfwManager (normal) - Running 4989
 ASAConfig (normal) - Running 4990
 tomcat (normal) - Waiting
 CloudAgent (system) - Waiting
 beakerd (system) - Waiting
 stunnel (normal) - Running 4559
 UEChanneld (normal) - Waiting
 SSEConnector (system) - Running 12880
 rsyncd (normal) - Running 4992
 dhcpd (normal) - Waiting
 EventHandler (normal) - Running 4868
 hmdaemon (normal) - Running 8917
 lina (system) - Running 4560
 srt (system) - Waiting
 systemCGroup (normal) - Running 4563
 b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c-d01 (de,snort) - Running 11536
 b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c-d02 (de,snort) - Running 11537
 b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c-d03 (de,snort) - Running 11538
 773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e-ep (ep) - Running 17685
 RUAScheduledDownload - Period 3600 - Next run Sun May  2 11:00:00 2021
 OptimizeTablesDaily - Period 86400 - Next run Mon May  3 05:00:00 2021
 OptimizeTablesWeekly - Period 604800 - Next run Sun May  9 05:30:00 2021 

When looking over the list of processes you might see some of them in the Waiting state. Processes in waiting state might not be required in your current setup (e.g. tomcat might not be running if your device is managed by FMC, since it is only required by FDM)

Ok – so we got a list of all the processes, let’s dig a bit deeper and check out the sftunnel process

 root@ftd01:/home/admin# pmtool status | grep sftunnel
 sftunnel (system) - Running 12858
 Command: /ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/sftunnel -d -f /etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 PID File: /ngfw/var/sf/run/
 Enable File: /ngfw/etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 Command: /ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/sfmgr -d -f /etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 Enable File: /ngfw/etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 Requires: sftunnel
 Command: /ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/sfmbservice -d -f /etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 Enable File: /ngfw/etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 Requires: sfmb,sftunnel
 Requires: sftunnel 

Looks like sftunnel is up and running. The process was initiated using the command /ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/sftunnel -d -f /etc/sf/sftunnel.conf and has a process ID (PID) of 12858

To verify the information obtained through pmtool we can use ps (process status) which ships with most Linux distributions

 root@ftd01:/home/admin# ps ax | grep 12858 
 12858 ?        Sl    49:58 /ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/sftunnel -d -f /etc/sf/sftunnel.conf

Great – now that we know how to verify process status using pmtool let’s go ahead and try restarting sftunnel


Restarting sftunnel is a safe operation that can be performed without a maintenance window. The communication channel between FMC and FTD is briefly interruptedbut gets re-established in a few seconds after starting up the process


Always restart sftunnel from the sensor and not from FMC if you are having problem with a single device, otherwise all sftunnel connections to your sensor will need to be re-established

Restarting processes

 root@ftd01:/home/admin# pmtool restartbyid sftunnel

It will take a few seconds to restart a process, just wait a bit and your shell should greet you again with a prompt.

To verify that the process has been restarted successfully we will check the status once more and verify that the PID has indeed changed

  root@ftd01:/home/admin# pmtool status | grep sftunnel
 sftunnel (system) - Running 1944
 Command: /ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/sftunnel -d -f /etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 PID File: /ngfw/var/sf/run/
 Enable File: /ngfw/etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 Command: /ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/sfmgr -d -f /etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 Enable File: /ngfw/etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 Requires: sftunnel
 Command: /ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/sfmbservice -d -f /etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 Enable File: /ngfw/etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 Requires: sfmb,sftunnel
 Requires: sftunnel 

If you are interested in to what is happening behind the scene go ahead and tail the messages logfile for any sftunnel related entries:

sftunnel log output
tail -f /ngfw/var/log/messages | grep -i sftunnel
  May  2 11:17:27 ftd01 SF-IMS[4515]: [4515] pm:control [INFO] Control connection accepted from sudo_user 'admin', cmd 'pmtool restartbyid sftunnel', pid 1925 (uid 0, gid 0)
 May  2 11:17:27 ftd01 SF-IMS[4515]: [4515] pm:control [INFO] ControlHandler auditing message->type 0x9000, from 'admin', cmd 'pmtool restartbyid sftunnel', pid 1925 (uid 0, gid 0)
 May  2 11:17:27 ftd01 SF-IMS[4515]: [4515] pm:process [INFO] Locking sftunnel
 May  2 11:17:27 ftd01 SF-IMS[4515]: [4515] pm:process [INFO] Stopping sftunnel's dependent sfmgr
 May  2 11:17:27 ftd01 SF-IMS[4515]: [4515] pm:process [INFO] Stopping sftunnel's dependent sfmbservice
 May  2 11:17:27 ftd01 SF-IMS[4515]: [4515] pm:process [INFO] Stopping sftunnel's dependent sfipproxy
 May  2 11:17:27 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] DISCONNECTED:do_services_read_write: Broken connection to service 8400 (FD 12), peer
 May  2 11:17:27 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Confirm RPC service in CONTROL channel
 May  2 11:17:27 ftd01 SF-IMS[12859]: [12972] sfmgr:sfmanager [INFO] WRITE_THREAD:Terminated sftunnel write thread for peer
 May  2 11:17:27 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] DISCONNECTED:do_services_read_write: Broken connection to service 6666 (FD 15), peer
 May  2 11:17:29 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] DISCONNECTED:do_services_read_write: Broken connection to service 8306 (FD 67), peer
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:control_services [ERROR] Received signal SF_SIG_TERM or SF_SIG_ALLOC_FAILED
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_connections [WARN] Exit peer - stopping sftunnel
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Received SIGTERM...Shutting down the sftunnel for
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ShutDownPeer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:TunnelService [INFO] UEC service 9101 is signaled to exit for peer
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:TunnelService [INFO] UEC service 9100 is signaled to exit for peer
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:TunnelService [WARN] UEC service 9101 exited for peer
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:TunnelService [WARN] UEC service 9100 exited for peer
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:stream_file [INFO] Stream CTX destroyed for
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[4871]: [5372] SFDataCorrelator:EventStreamHandler [ERROR] SFTunnelReadBuffer returned 26: Closed
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState ShutDownPeer peer / channelA / CONTROL [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState freeChannel peer / channelA / DROPPED [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState ShutDownPeer peer / channelB / EVENT [ msgSock2 & ssl_context2 ] <<
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState freeChannel peer / channelB / DROPPED [ msgSock2 & ssl_context2 ] <<
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[4871]: [5392] SFDataCorrelator:DM_peercomms [ERROR] Failed to read from SFTunnel, error 20: General read error
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[4871]: [5392] SFDataCorrelator:DM_peercomms [ERROR] Failed to read from SFTunnel, error 24: Not connected
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Peer is not configured...Exiting
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[4871]: [5369] SFDataCorrelator:DM_peercomms [ERROR] Failed to read from SFTunnel, error 20: General read error
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Free peer 
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState free_peer peer / channelA / NONE [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[4871]: [5369] SFDataCorrelator:DM_peercomms [ERROR] Failed to read from SFTunnel, error 24: Not connected
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState free_peer peer / channelB / NONE [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:stream_file [INFO] Stream CTX destroyed for
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Free peer on exit
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[4871]: [5365] SFDataCorrelator:DM_peercomms [ERROR] Failed to read from SFTunnel, error 20: General read error
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[4871]: [5365] SFDataCorrelator:DM_peercomms [ERROR] Failed to read from SFTunnel, error 24: Not connected
 May  2 11:17:33 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12872] sftunneld:stream_file [INFO] Stream CTX destroyed for
 May  2 11:17:35 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:sftunnel [INFO] Shutting down after threads exited
 May  2 11:17:35 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:sftunnel [INFO] SFTUNNEL is exiting...exit code is: 0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO] Event queue priority: [0]
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Insertion rate: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Dequeue rate: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Average size: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Total inserted: 0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Total dropped: 0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO] 
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO] Event queue priority: [1]
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Insertion rate: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Dequeue rate: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Average size: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Total inserted: 0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Total dropped: 0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO] 
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO] Event queue priority: [2]
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Insertion rate: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Dequeue rate: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Average size: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Total inserted: 0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Total dropped: 0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO] 
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO] Event queue priority: [1]
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Insertion rate: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Dequeue rate: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Average size: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Total inserted: 0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Total dropped: 0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO] 
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO] Event queue priority: [2]
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Insertion rate: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Dequeue rate: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Average size: 0.00
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Total inserted: 0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO]  Total dropped: 0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[12858]: [12858] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO] 
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[4515]: [4515] pm:process [INFO] Process sftunnel (12858) stopped.
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[4515]: [4515] pm:log [INFO] Process 'sftunnel' closed output.
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[4515]: [4515] pm:process [INFO] Unlocking sftunnel
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[4515]: [4515] pm:process [INFO] Started sftunnel (1944)
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] pm:process [INFO] Successfully set oom_score_adj of -500 for process sftunnel.
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] PEER INFO:
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] pinfo->sw_version 6.7.0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] pinfo->sw_build 65
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sftunnel_config [INFO] ROLE=1
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Using a 20 entry queue for - 8104
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Using a 20 entry queue for - 8121
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:stream_file [INFO] Stream CTX initialized for
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sftunnel_config [INFO] Update peers list for RPC
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:REG_CONFIG [INFO] Writing FMC map
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:REG_CONFIG [INFO] JSON Peer List: skip peer, 1.
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sftunnel_config [INFO] IPv4 is  (key '') on eth0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sftunnel_config [INFO] IPv6 is  2a01:190:15fc:107:0:0:0:101  (key '2a01:190:15fc:107:0:0:0:101') on eth0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sftunnel_config [INFO] IPv4 is  (key '') on tap_nlp
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sftunnel_config [INFO] IPv6 is  fd00:0:0:1::2  (key 'fd00:0:0:1::2') on tap_nlp
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sftunnel_config [INFO] Local Peer supports multiple ports
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sftunnel_config [INFO] Local Peer supports separate events connection
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sftunnel_config [INFO] Management Interfaces configuration changed
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sftunnel [INFO] Starting UEC tunnel service
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [CRITICAL] Error opening Dummy!
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO] Event QoS started successfully!
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:TunnelService [INFO] Loaded service module UEChanneld
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:sftunnel [INFO] Control socket '/ngfw/var/sf/peers/sftunnel.sox': 7 is listening...
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:REG_CONFIG [WARN] Unable to create /ngfw/var/sf/peers/ directory: File exists
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:REG_CONFIG [WARN] Unable to create /ngfw/var/sf/peers_unregistered/ directory: File exists
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:REG_CONFIG [WARN] Unable to create /ngfw/var/sf/peers_failed/ directory: File exists
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:REG_CONFIG [WARN] Unable to create /ngfw/var/sf/peers_pending// directory: File exists
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1951] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Peer needs a single connection
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1951] sftunneld:SFUtil [INFO] Address type not found from inet_pton for invoking getDNSRecordsbyname
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1951] sftunneld:SFUtil [INFO] Looking up DNS records for []
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1951] sftunneld:SFUtil [INFO] Found [2] no of addresses from getDNSRecordsbyname
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1951] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Start connection to : (wait 0 seconds is up)
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Peer needs a single connection
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Connect to on port 8305 - eth0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Initiate connection using resolved_ip_list having [2] entries (via eth0)
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Initiate IPv6 type connection
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Initiate IPv4 type connection
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Initiate IPv4 connection from resolved_ip_list to (via eth0)
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Initiating IPv4 connection to
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1950] sftunneld:tunnsockets [INFO] Started listening on port 8305 IPv4( eth0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1950] sftunneld:tunnsockets [INFO] Started listening on port 8305 IPv6 (2a01:190:15fc:107:0:0:0:101) eth0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1950] sftunneld:tunnsockets [INFO] Started listening on port 8305 IPv4( tap_nlp
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1950] sftunneld:tunnsockets [INFO] Started listening on port 8305 IPv6 (fd00:0:0:1::2) tap_nlp
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Wait to connect to 8305 (IPv4):
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Connected to from resolved_ip_list (port 8305) (IPv4)
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Successfully connected using SSL to: ''
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Peer supports separate events connection
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Peer registration is complete remotely
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Connect: AUTHENTICATED peer ''
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Peer needs a single connection
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Connect: Will later need a second (events) connection to peer ''
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Connect: Start child thread for peer ''
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] HandlePeerConnection....
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >>>>>>> initChannels peer: <<<<<<
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:stream_file [INFO] Stream CTX destroyed for
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] VERIFY ssl_verify_callback_final  ok=1!
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1022]: Last message '[1952] sftunneld:sf_' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] Found Peer by CERT subject_title=773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ssl [INFO] The peer(server) renegotiated certificate successfully
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Socket '/ngfw/var/sf/peers/773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e/conn.sox': 14 is accepting services.
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] In init for UEChanneld to 773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] UE Priority Event Channel 0 Service is published for peer
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Using a 750 entry queue for - 9100
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] Peer SWITCH SERVICE 9100 CHANNEL 2
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:TunnelService [INFO] Spawned an instance thread for UEChanneld - 9100 to 773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] UE Priority Event Channel 1 Service is published for peer
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Using a 750 entry queue for - 9101
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] Peer SWITCH SERVICE 9101 CHANNEL 2
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:TunnelService [INFO] Spawned an instance thread for UEChanneld - 9101 to 773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Connected UEC Services...
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:stream_file [INFO] Stream CTX initialized for
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:ssl_mac [INFO] Set to Challenge: Peer (773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e) 
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Peer main thread started
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Need to send SW version and Published Services to
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState do_dataio_for_heartbeat peer / channelA / CONTROL [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Loading DE configuration for service = 9101
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Loading file processing config for service 9101
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Loading VPN User config for service 9101
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Ready for events type 10 with 5 instances
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Ready for events type 17 with 3 instances
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Ready for events type 12 with 3 instances
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Ready for events type 11 with 3 instances
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Ready for events type 1 with 3 instances
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Loading DE configuration for service = 9100
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Loading file processing config for service 9100
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Loading VPN User config for service 9100
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Ready for events type 20 with 1 instances
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Ready for events type 16 with 3 instances
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:UEChannel [INFO] Ready for events type 15 with 3 instances
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Accepting a service connection..
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:control_services [INFO] Successfully Send Interfaces info to peer over eth0
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_ch_util [INFO] Skip unregistered service
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1022]: Last message '[1952] sftunneld:sf_' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] Message Broker Service is published for peer
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Using a 20 entry queue for - 8306
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Accepting a service connection..
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] IP(NTP) Service is published for peer
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Using a 750 entry queue for - 8400
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Accepting a service connection..
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1945]: [1958] sfmgr:sfmanager [INFO] Established connection to sftunnel for peer (fd 6)
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] RPC Service is published for peer
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Using a 20 entry queue for - 6666
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Need to send SW version and Published Services to
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Confirm RPC service in CONTROL channel
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState do_dataio_for_heartbeat peer / channelA / CONTROL [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Accepting a service connection..
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1022]: Last message '[1952] sftunneld:sf_' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] Service 7000 is published for peer
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Using a 750 entry queue for - 7000
 May  2 11:17:36 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] Peer SWITCH SERVICE 7000 CHANNEL 2
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:SYNC_PROC [INFO] ProcessSyncConfig : manager
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:SYNC_PROC [INFO] ProcessSyncConfig : SYNC2MANAGER
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:SYNC_PROC [INFO] ProcessSyncConfig : source
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:SYNC_PROC [INFO] SYNC:SRC=/var/sf/sync
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:SYNC_PROC [INFO] ProcessSyncConfig : GETFROMMANAGER
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:SYNC_PROC [INFO] ProcessSyncConfig : destination
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:SYNC_PROC [INFO] DEVICE:DEST=(null)
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:SYNC_PROC [INFO] SYNCDEST_FMC_DEVICE add HASH
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:SYNC_PROC [INFO] ProcessSyncConfig : managed
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Accepting a service connection..
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] Identity Service is published for peer
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Using a 20 entry queue for - 7770
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] Malware Lookup Service is published for peer
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Using a 750 entry queue for - 7700
 May  2 11:17:37 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] Peer SWITCH SERVICE 7700 CHANNEL 2
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:control_services [INFO] Interface eth0 from supports 'control events' 
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:control_services [INFO] Interface eth0 from supports events 
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:control_services [INFO] Interface eth0 ( from is up 
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:control_services [INFO] Peer Notified that it is NOT configured for dedicated events interface
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Need to send SW version and Published Services to
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Confirm RPC service in CONTROL channel
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] >> ChannelState do_dataio_for_heartbeat peer / channelA / CONTROL [ msgSock & ssl_context ] <<
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] Saved SW VERSION from peer (6.7.0)
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:ssl_mac [INFO] Peer 773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e send version 6.7.0 - send hmac message
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:ssl_mac [INFO] Build to send body of HMAC AUTH message:'{    "flags": 16777216,    "uuid":  "457d932a-3dfb-11ea-9b36-8a42de410c5c",    "hmac_hash": "c345c459f3267fe4f1806c4de598ab16ef97caa2937e6dd5f592402ac158ef4a2cc6134c70e2512f2a76375eab572c5836cbbda5f0b59c7312ebe25505526947",    "hmac_hash_default": "61bbbde9cfd33f60815173f7322af03427d48ae4022ec7ace9bc6f145e5b04755c7653eda44cf42c65521b82893db683fe148659f804ed14567831d15cdc8d49"}'
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:SYNC_PROC [INFO] Time to send UpdateMessage to 773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e (8296) 
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Process HMAC Auth message for Peer 773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:ssl_mac [INFO] GOT HMAC AUTH message json:'{    "flags": 16777216,    "uuid":  "773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e",    "hmac_hash": "",    "hmac_hash_default": "5f773567da3eec795053b1294d2cf4b39608c8603b1b03edd1f1de2dac838c6d64001e887a6e8b28ee3ac7cb05cae8fe2720137c1c87548d6d82eaf265c6a622"}'
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:ssl_mac [INFO] Peer 773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e supports explicit stale connection detection (HMAC challenge)
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:ssl_mac [INFO] Authorize Control channel
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:ssl_mac [INFO]  (channel 1) HMAC Auth message MATCHED peer server cert!!!
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:ssl_mac [INFO] Authorize Event channel
 May  2 11:17:38 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] Saved SW VERSION from peer (6.7.0)
 May  2 11:17:40 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:control_services [INFO] Purged pending requests to SFMGR for
 May  2 11:17:40 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] Saved SW VERSION from peer (6.7.0)
 May  2 11:17:40 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] (2)FORWARDED Product Info received from peer to SFMGR
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-3/unified_events-2-rna.log.1619881248
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-2/unified_events-2-rna.log.1619881801
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-1/unified_events-2-rna.log.1619881513
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-3/ssl-certs-unified.log.1619896624
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-2/ssl-certs-unified.log.1619905370
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-1/ssl-certs-unified.log.1619930871
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-3/ssl-stats-unified.log.1619906703
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-2/ssl-stats-unified.log.1619907601
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-1/ssl-stats-unified.log.1619909702
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-3/unified_events-2.log.1619953374
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-2/unified_events-2.log.1619945494
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-3/unified_stats.1611169265
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-1/unified_events-2.log.1619953311
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/file_processing/file-extract-w3.log.1619947152
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-2/unified_stats.1611169529
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-1/unified_stats.1611169606
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-3/unified_events-1.log.1619947151
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-2/unified_events-1.log.1619947146
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/detection_engines/b2b3f6aa-3dfb-11ea-be9c-2066de410c5c/instance-1/unified_events-1.log.1619939140
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1953] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/useridentity/unified_events-1-vpnsessions.log.1606323851
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/file_processing/file-extract-w2.log.1619886513
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/file_processing/file-extract-w1.log.1619947151
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/file_processing/file-extract-w0.log.1619947152
 May  2 11:17:46 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1954] sftunneld:FileUtils [INFO] Opened input file /ngfw/var/sf/file_processing/file-extract-stats.log.1619902727
 May  2 11:17:47 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1944] sftunneld:SYNC_PROC [INFO] Change in directory /ngfw/var/sf/sync detected (0 vs 1619913601)
 May  2 11:17:47 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:SYNC_PROC [INFO] Got DIR_SYNC_ACK from peer 773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e 
 May  2 11:17:48 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_connections [INFO] Accepting a service connection..
 May  2 11:17:48 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_heartbeat [INFO] CSM_CCM service is published for peer
 May  2 11:17:48 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_peers [INFO] Using a 750 entry queue for - 9009
 May  2 11:17:48 ftd01 SF-IMS[1944]: [1952] sftunneld:sf_channel [INFO] Peer SWITCH SERVICE 9009 CHANNEL 2 

Restarting Processes by Type

Another way to restart processes is by specifying a type. The only usecase I have come across for the RestartByType subcommand is for restarting the snort engine. Restarting snort can be a neccessary procedure for activating certain changes (e.g. after a manual cleanup) or could be a troubleshooting step – I sometimes resort to this step if unexplainable behavior occurs within the layer-7 engine.

pmtool restartByType DetectionEngine


Restarting the DetectionEngine may lead to a brief (0.1-3.0sec in my experience) dataplane outage so proceed with caution. In case you have a high availability pair restart snort on the passive unit and execute a failover for a more graceful non-disruptive option

Disabling & Enabling Processes

Under normal circumstances there should be no need to disable any system services. The only reason to do so is for debugging purposes. Some processes like adi, CloudAgent, sla or SSEConnector provide additional debug flags that can be utilized to gain more insight of what is happening behind the scenes.

For a brief demonstration we will disable the adi process on FMC and run it in debug mode

Step 01: Disable adi process

 root@ftd01:/home/admin# pmtool disablebyid adi

Step 02: Verify that adi process is user disabled and not running

 root@ftd01:/home/admin# pmtool status | grep adi
adi (normal) - User Disabled
Command: /ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/adi
PID File: /ngfw/var/sf/run/
Command: /ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/beakerd --module-path=/ngfw/usr/local/sf/lib64 --log-file=/ngfw/var/log/beakerd.log --log-level=info --cfgdir=/ngfw/etc/sf/beakerd --pidfile=/ngfw/var/sf/run/ --enable-module=updater --enable-module=nikita --datadir=/ngfw/etc/sf/beakerd --listen=/ngfw/var/tmp/beaker_client.sock --listen=/ngfw/var/tmp/beaker_async_client.sock 

Step 04: Run adi in debug mode and send output to screen and /var/tmp/adi.log

adi --debug 2>&1 | tee /var/tmp/adi.log
Debugging log output
May 02 11:55:44 ftd01 SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:318:ProcessConfigGlobalSettings(): Parsing global settings
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:350:ProcessConfigGlobalSettings(): global_settings.max_active_auth_retries = 3
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:394:ProcessConfigGlobalSettings(): global_settings.linaProtocol = ipc
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:337:ProcessConfigGlobalSettings(): global_settings.cipher_key_file_path = /ngfw/etc/sf/ADI_conf_Encryption_Key.bin
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:363:ProcessConfigGlobalSettings(): global_settings.sendS2SVPNEvents = true
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:368:ProcessConfigGlobalSettings(): global_settings.sendRAVPNEvents = tunnel
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:501:ProcessConfigFPReplication(): fpreplication.mode = follower
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:263:ProcessKeyValuePair(): tenant.uid = 1
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:630:ProcessConfigTenant(): New tenant
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:666:ProcessConfigTenant(): tenant.realm.uid = 4
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:691:ProcessConfigRealm(): New realm
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:711:ProcessConfigRealm(): tenant.realm.uuid = 48916640-4e4a-11ea-bba2-9b7b2e356a46
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:723:ProcessConfigRealm(): =
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:751:ProcessConfigRealm(): tenant.realm.realm_type = AD
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:763:ProcessConfigRealm(): tenant.realm.directory_username = [email protected]
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:775:ProcessConfigRealm(): tenant.realm.directory_password = d3p3nd3nc!h3!!0Nep59RwdvuJ6IA== 
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:787:ProcessConfigRealm(): tenant.realm.ldap_user_naming_attribute = sAMAccountName
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:799:ProcessConfigRealm(): tenant.realm.ldap_user_search_base = ou=com,ou=example,dc=example,dc=com
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:811:ProcessConfigRealm(): tenant.realm.ldap_group_attribute = member
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:883:ProcessConfigRealm(): tenant.realm.ldap_group_search_base = ou=groups,ou=com,ou=example,dc=example,dc=com
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:859:ProcessConfigRealm(): tenant.realm.iv_ldap_value = d3p3nd3nc!h3!!0Nep59RwdvuJ6IA== 
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:871:ProcessConfigRealm(): tenant.realm.iv_ad_value = d3p3nd3nc!h3!!0Nep59RwdvuJ6IA== 
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:823:ProcessConfigRealm(): tenant.realm.active_directory_domain =
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:847:ProcessConfigRealm(): tenant.realm.active_directory_password = d3p3nd3nc!h3!!0Nep59RwdvuJ6IA== 
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:998:ProcessConfigDirectory(): New directory
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:1018:ProcessConfigDirectory(): =
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:1031:ProcessConfigDirectory(): = 389
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:1053:ProcessConfigDirectory(): = none
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:1072:ProcessConfigDirectory(): = 60
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:998:ProcessConfigDirectory(): New directory
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:1018:ProcessConfigDirectory(): =
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:1031:ProcessConfigDirectory(): = 389
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:1053:ProcessConfigDirectory(): = none
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:1072:ProcessConfigDirectory(): = 60
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:config [DEBUG] config.cpp:212:ProcessConfiguration(): Configuration read
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ADIStateMachine [INFO] ADIStateMachine.cpp:54:moveTo(): ADI state moved to ADI_STOPPED
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQWorker [INFO] ZMQWorker.cpp:76:start(): Added ZMQ worker thread id:7f79367fc700 object: 0x5558b87a3930
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQWorker [INFO] ZMQWorker.cpp:76:start(): Added ZMQ worker thread id:7f79357fa700 object: 0x5558b877fa10
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQWorker [INFO] ZMQWorker.cpp:76:start(): Added ZMQ worker thread id:7f7934ff9700 object: 0x5558b8807d40
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQWorker [INFO] ZMQWorker.cpp:76:start(): Added ZMQ worker thread id:7f7927fff700 object: 0x5558b87a4300
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQWorker [INFO] ZMQWorker.cpp:76:start(): Added ZMQ worker thread id:7f79277fe700 object: 0x5558b8807cb0
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQWorker [INFO] ZMQWorker.cpp:76:start(): Added ZMQ worker thread id:7f7926ffd700 object: 0x5558b87a5380
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQWorker [INFO] ZMQWorker.cpp:76:start(): Added ZMQ worker thread id:7f79267fc700 object: 0x5558b87a7970
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQWorker [INFO] ZMQWorker.cpp:76:start(): Added ZMQ worker thread id:7f7925ffb700 object: 0x5558b87a71e0
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQWorker [INFO] ZMQWorker.cpp:76:start(): Added ZMQ worker thread id:7f79257fa700 object: 0x5558b876bae0
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQWorker [INFO] ZMQWorker.cpp:76:start(): Added ZMQ worker thread id:7f7924ff9700 object: 0x5558b876be80
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQWorker [DEBUG] ZMQWorker.cpp:96:start(): Widened permissions for /tmp/adireq to 777.
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:ADI [DEBUG] adi.cpp:203:setVPNProcessing(): Starting S2S VPN event handler due to configuration change
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:ADI [DEBUG] adi.cpp:210:setVPNProcessing(): Starting S2S VPN event consumer due to configuration change
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:ADI [DEBUG] adi.cpp:239:setVPNProcessing(): Starting RA VPN event handler due to configuration change
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:DataMessaging_EventQueue [DEBUG] EventQueue_impl.cpp:1990:ParseEventQueues(): Event Queues not configured in /etc/sf/SFDataCorrelator.conf, using internal defaults!
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10500] ADI:VPN Event [DEBUG] vpnEventHandler.cpp:598:getSFTunnelConfiguration(): Processing file /ngfw/etc/sf/sftunnel.conf
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute UECHelloDR lookup returned 6
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10500] ADI:VPN Event [DEBUG] vpnEventHandler.cpp:511:ProcessTunnelKeyValuePair(): Setting VPN event device UUID to 457d932a-3dfb-11ea-9b36-8a42de410c5c
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10500] ADI:VPN Event [DEBUG] vpnEventHandler.cpp:561:ProcessTunnelKeyValuePair(): Adding peer 773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute UECReplyDR lookup returned 7
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute UECPriorityStatEvent lookup returned 10
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10500] ADI:VPN Event [DEBUG] vpnEventHandler.cpp:293:processEvents(): IP: 457d932a-3dfb-11ea-9b36-8a42de410c5c, manager List '773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e'
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10500] ADI:VPN Event [DEBUG] vpnEventHandler.cpp:300:processEvents(): Current event count: 0
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10500] ADI:VPN Event [DEBUG] vpnEventHandler.cpp:374:processEvents(): Did FMCRefresh
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:DataMessaging_EventQueue [DEBUG] EventQueue_impl.cpp:2318:ProcessLLConfigFile(): tid config: enable_obs=1, send_obs_to_sfdc=0
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:DataMessaging_EventQueue [DEBUG] EventQueue_impl.cpp:2318:ProcessLLConfigFile(): tid config: enable_obs=1, send_obs_to_sfdc=1
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10500] ADI:VPN Event [DEBUG] vpnEventHandler.cpp:388:processEvents(): Sending events with function: Remote::SF::VPN::setFTDStatus({targets=>['773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e']}, '457d932a-3dfb-11ea-9b36-8a42de410c5c', [], 3)
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10500] ADI:Forker [DEBUG] forker.cpp:25:run(): Forker::run() calling cmd '/ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/' with args:[/ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/,perl,Remote::SF::VPN::setFTDStatus({targets=>['773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e']}, '457d932a-3dfb-11ea-9b36-8a42de410c5c', [], 3)]
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:DataMessaging_EventQueue [INFO] EventQueue_impl.cpp:2626:DataMessaging_InitEventQueues(): Event QoS started successfully!
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:DataMessaging_EventQueue [DEBUG] EventQueue_impl.cpp:2627:DataMessaging_InitEventQueues(): Started Event thread Success
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute INT32 lookup returned 7
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute Deprecated_IPMask lookup returned 24
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute Deprecated_UserService lookup returned 26
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute INT32 lookup returned 7
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute INT32 lookup returned 7
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute Deprecated_VulnAck lookup returned 22
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute VulnList lookup returned 85
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute VulnList lookup returned 85
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute AttributeListItem lookup returned 39
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute AttributeAddress lookup returned 146
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute IPRangeSpec lookup returned 141
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute MacSpec lookup returned 63
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute UserClientApp lookup returned 138
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute IPRangeSpec lookup returned 141
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute MacSpec lookup returned 63
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute IPRangeSpec lookup returned 141
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute UserService lookup returned 76
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute IPRangeSpec lookup returned 141
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute MacSpec lookup returned 63
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute VulnAck lookup returned 124
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute IPRangeSpec lookup returned 141
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute IPRangeSpec lookup returned 141
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute UserProtocol lookup returned 57
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute HostMAC lookup returned 95
 May 2 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute ServiceInfo lookup returned 117
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute Payload lookup returned 123
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute FullServiceInfo lookup returned 106
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute FullServiceInfo lookup returned 106
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute FullServiceInfo lookup returned 106
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute FullServiceInfo lookup returned 106
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute VulnList lookup returned 85
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute VulnList lookup returned 85
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute VulnList lookup returned 85
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute Payload lookup returned 123
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute FullServiceSubtype lookup returned 51
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute INT32 lookup returned 7
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute StringInfo lookup returned 35
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute Payload lookup returned 123
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute VulnList lookup returned 85
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute ServiceSubtype lookup returned 1
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute Payload lookup returned 123
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute IPRangeSpec lookup returned 141
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute DeviceInfo lookup returned 131
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute IPRangeSpec lookup returned 141
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute FixList lookup returned 67
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute IPRangeSpec lookup returned 141
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute HostService lookup returned 103
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute HostService lookup returned 103
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute PndProtocol lookup returned 4
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute PndProtocol lookup returned 4
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute HostMAC lookup returned 95
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute HostClientApp lookup returned 122
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute ScanVuln lookup returned 109
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute genericScanResults lookup returned 108
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute UserProduct lookup returned 134
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute IPRangeSpec lookup returned 141
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute HostIP lookup returned 143
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute OSFP lookup returned 130
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute FullHostService lookup returned 104
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute FullHostService lookup returned 104
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute PndProtocol lookup returned 4
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute PndProtocol lookup returned 4
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute HostMAC lookup returned 95
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute FullHostClientApp lookup returned 112
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute VulnList lookup returned 85
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute VulnList lookup returned 85
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute VulnList lookup returned 85
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute AttributeValue lookup returned 48
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute IOCState lookup returned 150
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute VPNSession lookup returned 166
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 171 for FlowStats
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 139 for HostTracker
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 103 for HostService
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 145 for RNADHCPInfo
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 122 for HostClientApp
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 130 for OSFP
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 53 for OS
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 95 for HostMAC
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 14 for VLAN
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 35 for StringInfo
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 37 for ServiceBanner
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 167 for UserLoginInfo
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RNASerializeLib [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/sfrnacommon/serialize/serialize.c:3785:InitRNASerialize(): Got 96 for SecondaryHostUpdate
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute INT32 lookup returned 6
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute Unified2UserMapUpdate lookup returned 11
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute INT32 lookup returned 6
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute INT32 lookup returned 6
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute MACADDR lookup returned 17
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute String lookup returned 0
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute INT32 lookup returned 6
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:SFSerialize [DEBUG] sfserialize.c:847:SFSerialize_Init(): Attribute INT32 lookup returned 6
 May 02 11:55:44  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:ADI [DEBUG] adi.cpp:246:setVPNProcessing(): Starting RA VPN event consumer due to configuration change
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10500] ADI:Forker [DEBUG] forker.cpp:48:run(): normal termination? 1, exit status: 0
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10500] ADI:VPN Event [INFO] vpnEventHandler.cpp:410:processEvents(): Sent 1 VPN events to manager
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ADIStateMachine [INFO] ADIStateMachine.cpp:54:moveTo(): ADI state moved to ADI_READY
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.RealmContainer [DEBUG] RealmContainer.cpp:208:DoInit(): ADI Process Processing 1 tenants from configuration.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.RealmContainer [DEBUG] RealmContainer.cpp:213:DoInit(): ADI Process Processing 1 realms from next tenant.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.RealmContainer [DEBUG] RealmContainer.cpp:217:DoInit(): ADI Process constructing next realm.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.RealmContainer [DEBUG] RealmContainer.cpp:134:populateModelRealmFromConfigRealm(): Decrypting active directory Password…
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.RealmContainer [DEBUG] RealmContainer.cpp:142:populateModelRealmFromConfigRealm(): Success!
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.RealmContainer [DEBUG] RealmContainer.cpp:181:populateModelRealmFromConfigRealm(): Decrypting directory Password…
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.RealmContainer [DEBUG] RealmContainer.cpp:189:populateModelRealmFromConfigRealm(): Success!
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.RealmContainer [DEBUG] RealmContainer.cpp:181:populateModelRealmFromConfigRealm(): Decrypting directory Password…
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.RealmContainer [DEBUG] RealmContainer.cpp:189:populateModelRealmFromConfigRealm(): Success!
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.AdRealm [DEBUG] AdRealm.cpp:600:onSendStatus(): onSendStatus: Sending ZMQ message for realm 4 : REALM_UNCONFIGURED
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQController [DEBUG] Controller.cpp:31:send(): Sent control message
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.ZMQServer [DEBUG] ZMQServer.cpp:352:processMessage(): Found data to broadcast result on subject: realm_status recv_result: 1
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.ZMQServer [DEBUG] ZMQServer.cpp:359:processMessage(): Sending broadcast response
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQController [DEBUG] Controller.cpp:38:send(): Received control response
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.Realm [DEBUG] Realm.cpp:102:validate(): Directory: ldap://, Validating At: 1619956545
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.Directory [INFO] Directory.cpp:120:changeStatus(): Directory server ldap:// changed state to up
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.Realm [DEBUG] Realm.cpp:102:validate(): Directory: ldap://, Validating At: 1619956545
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.Realm [DEBUG] Realm.cpp:102:validate(): Directory: ldap://, Validating At: 1619956545
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.Directory [INFO] Directory.cpp:120:changeStatus(): Directory server ldap:// changed state to up
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.Realm [DEBUG] Realm.cpp:102:validate(): Directory: ldap://, Validating At: 1619956545
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.AdRealm [INFO] AdRealm.cpp:159:configure(): ad: computer dn=cn=FTD01,cn=Computers,dc=ONG,dc=LAB
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.LdapRealm [WARN] LdapRealm.cpp:610:ldapSearch(): ldapParsePageControl: Control not found
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.LdapRealm [DEBUG] LdapRealm.cpp:647:ldapSearch(): ldap: search returned (1) result pages.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.AdRealm [DEBUG] AdRealm.cpp:214:findNetBIOSName(): ad: Found naming context CN=Configuration,DC=example,DC=com from Realm4(AD)_ldap://
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.LdapRealm [DEBUG] LdapRealm.cpp:647:ldapSearch(): ldap: search returned (1) result pages.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.AdRealm [DEBUG] AdRealm.cpp:224:findNetBIOSName(): Found dns attribute in cn=example,cn=partitions,cn=configuration,dc=example,dc=com, matching against
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.LdapRealm [DEBUG] LdapRealm.cpp:647:ldapSearch(): ldap: search returned (1) result pages.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.AdRealm [DEBUG] AdRealm.cpp:233:findNetBIOSName(): Found netbios name ONG in cn=example,cn=partitions,cn=configuration,dc=example,dc=com
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.AdRealm [DEBUG] AdRealm.cpp:600:onSendStatus(): onSendStatus: Sending ZMQ message for realm 4 : REALM_UNCONFIGURED
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQController [DEBUG] Controller.cpp:31:send(): Sent control message
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.ZMQServer [DEBUG] ZMQServer.cpp:352:processMessage(): Found data to broadcast result on subject: realm_status recv_result: 1
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.ZMQServer [DEBUG] ZMQServer.cpp:359:processMessage(): Sending broadcast response
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQController [DEBUG] Controller.cpp:38:send(): Received control response
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.AdRealm [INFO] AdRealm.cpp:171:configure(): ad: successfully configured directory.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.RealmContainer [DEBUG] RealmContainer.cpp:236:DoInit(): RealmContainer populated from configuration, now contains 1 realms.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.Adi [DEBUG] Adi.cpp:153:configure(): configure connector.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:IseConnector [INFO] ISEConnector.cpp:216:configure(): Initializing Unified2 serialization library
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:IseConnector [DEBUG] ISEConnector.cpp:220:configure(): SXP Channel Factory
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.SXPDataProvider [DEBUG] SXPDataProvider.cpp:132:LoadBindings(): Loading bindings from files.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.SXPDataProvider [DEBUG] SXPDataProvider.cpp:152:LoadBindings(): Loading snapshot /var/sf/user_enforcement/sxp.snapshot.1604419773
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:Unified2Iterator [DEBUG] Unified2Iterator.c:407:Unified2Record_GetFromFile(): Opened /var/sf/user_enforcement/sxp.snapshot.1604419773
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.SXPDataProvider [DEBUG] SXPDataProvider.cpp:193:LoadBindings(): Loading update /var/sf/user_enforcement/sxp.1604419773
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:Unified2Iterator [DEBUG] Unified2Iterator.c:407:Unified2Record_GetFromFile(): Opened /var/sf/user_enforcement/sxp.1604419773
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.SXPEntryAppender [DEBUG] SXPEntryAppender.cpp:66:CreateArchiveFile(): initing archive file for type 1
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.SXPEntryAppender [DEBUG] SXPEntryAppender.cpp:305:UpdateRotatedFilesCounter(): Rotated files counter = 1
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:IseConnector [INFO] ISEConnector.cpp:343:createSXPFPReplicationFollowers(): mode Follower 5672  
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:FPReplicationCommunicationRabbitFollower [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationCommunicationRabbitFollower.cpp:26:FPReplicationCommunicationRabbitFollower(): using b:sxp:457d932a-3dfb-11ea-9b36-8a42de410c5cas follower queue name
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:FPReplicationCommunicationRabbitFollower [INFO] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationCommunicationRabbitFollower.cpp:40:FPReplicationCommunicationRabbitFollower(): Creating new AMQP connection for consuming user/ip messages, with max priority: 0 and heartbeat: 30
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:RMQClient [DEBUG] RabbitMQClient.cpp:315:DoConnect(): b:sxp:457d932a-3dfb-11ea-9b36-8a42de410c5c connected to server successfully
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:IseConnector [INFO] ISEConnector.cpp:355:createSXPFPReplicationFollowers(): ReLoad SXP Filter
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:Tokenizer [DEBUG] /tmp/mesos/slaves/IMS/Pre-commit/90923-2388088/FTD/src/libraries/sfutil/parser/tokenizer.c:97:TokenizerInit(): Unable to open '/ngfw/var/sf/user_enforcement/network_filter.sxp.cur.773010ea-3df2-11ea-b8af-7f5efeab3d9e': No such file or directory
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.NetworkFilter [DEBUG] NetworkFilterUtils.cpp:192:ReLoadFilters(): read current filter 
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:Tokenizer [DEBUG] /tmp/mesos/slaves/IMS/Pre-commit/90923-2388088/FTD/src/libraries/sfutil/parser/tokenizer.c:97:TokenizerInit(): Unable to open '/ngfw/var/sf/user_enforcement/network_filter.cfg': No such file or directory
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.NetworkFilter [DEBUG] NetworkFilterUtils.cpp:198:ReLoadFilters(): read config filter 
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:IseConnector [DEBUG] ISEConnector.cpp:386:createSXPFPReplicationFollowers(): set follower filter for sxp 
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.FPReplicationFollowerSXP [DEBUG] FPReplicationFollowerSXP.cpp:62:FPReplicationFollowerSXP(): Init FPReplicationFollowerSXP
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.FPReplicationFollowerSXP [INFO] FPReplicationFollowerSXP.cpp:63:FPReplicationFollowerSXP(): initializing filter at seq_no = 0
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:realm.join.retryer [DEBUG] RealmJoinRetryer.cpp:25:RealmJoinRetryer(): Starting realm join retryer worker thread.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [INFO] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:567:consume_messages(): fp replication follower consume messages-start
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQController [DEBUG] Controller.cpp:53:send(): Sent control message
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.ZMQServer [DEBUG] ZMQServer.cpp:366:processMessage(): Found lina control message on subject lina-control
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.ZMQServer [DEBUG] ZMQServer.cpp:165:createLinaChannel(): creating lina status channel
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.ZMQServer [DEBUG] ZMQServer.cpp:168:createLinaChannel(): lina protocol: ipc
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.ZMQServer [DEBUG] ZMQServer.cpp:184:createLinaChannel(): creating lina update channel
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.ZMQServer [DEBUG] ZMQServer.cpp:187:createLinaChannel(): lina protocol: ipc
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.ZMQServer [ERROR] ZMQServer.cpp:189:createLinaChannel(): Unable to subscribe to subject vpn-update
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ZMQController [DEBUG] Controller.cpp:60:send(): Received control response
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:576:consume_messages(): start consume_messages.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ADIStateMachine [INFO] ADIStateMachine.cpp:54:moveTo(): ADI state moved to ADI_RUNNING
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.ISEConnectionSub [WARN] ISEConnectionSub.cpp:136:start(): Configuration doesn't have enough Pxgrid information
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:adi.RpcServer [INFO] RpcServer.cpp:204:start(): starting rpc server
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:436:registerSubjectDispatcher(): Added subject authenticate for server ADI.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:436:registerSubjectDispatcher(): Added subject directory test for server ADI.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:424:registerSubjectCallback(): Added subject ldap query for server ADI.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:424:registerSubjectCallback(): Added subject realm information feed for server ADI.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:424:registerSubjectCallback(): Added subject refresh request adi service session directory for server ADI.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:424:registerSubjectCallback(): Added subject refresh request ise security group feed for server ADI.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:424:registerSubjectCallback(): Added subject refresh request ise SXP feed for server ADI.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:424:registerSubjectCallback(): Added subject refresh request ise endpoint feed for server ADI.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:424:registerSubjectCallback(): Added subject ise Query Remediation Capabilities for server ADI.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:424:registerSubjectCallback(): Added subject ise remediation action request for server ADI.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [INFO] server.cpp:383:start(): Started server ADI, listening for clients.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10524] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:305:channelManagerThread(): Starting channelManagerThread for server ADI.
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10482] ADI:ADI [INFO] adi.cpp:447:main(): Started
 May 02 11:55:45  SF-IMS[10482]: [10523] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:276:channelUpdateThread(): Starting channelUpdateThread for server ADI.
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.ZMQServer [DEBUG] ZMQServer.cpp:236:initializeLinaChannel(): Initializing lina channel by sending hello
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.ZMQServer [DEBUG] ZMQServer.cpp:251:requestLinaSync(): Requesting lina vpn event sync
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.LinaEventHandler [DEBUG] LinaEventHandler.cpp:201:handleMessage(): Received VPN Sync response containing 6 events
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.SubscriberChannel [DEBUG] SubscriberChannel.cpp:39:sendMessage(): Sending request to ADI subscriber
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.SubscriberChannel [DEBUG] SubscriberChannel.cpp:56:sendMessage(): Receiving response from DataCorrelator
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10487] ADI:adi.LinaEventHandler [DEBUG] LinaEventHandler.cpp:205:handleMessage(): Successfully sent bulksync to SFDataCorrelator
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10508] ADI:realm.join.retryer [DEBUG] RealmJoinRetryer.cpp:90:threadWorkerFunction(): No more realm join retries needed, worker thread done.
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10527] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:184:subscribe(): Subscribed client 0x5558b8710180 to subject adi service session directory.
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10527] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:184:subscribe(): Subscribed client 0x5558b8710180 to subject ise security group feed.
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10527] ADI:infra.ev-rpc [DEBUG] server.cpp:184:subscribe(): Subscribed client 0x5558b8710180 to subject ise endpoint feed.
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10527] ADI:adi.RpcServer [DEBUG] RpcServer.cpp:295:realm_feed_subject_handler(): adding realm Info to feedrealm id = 4 domain = short domain = ONG
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10527] ADI:adi.RpcServer [INFO] RpcServer.cpp:344:triggerSecurityGroupBulkDownloadCallback(): fill SECURITY_GROUP_WIPE_ALL event
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10527] ADI:adi.ISEConnection [DEBUG] ISEConnection.cpp:981:performEndpointProfileBulkDownload(): Postponing Endpoint Profile download until future connect.
 May 02 11:55:46  SF-IMS[10482]: [10527] ADI:adi.ISEConnection [DEBUG] ISEConnection.cpp:1678:kickoffSessionsBulkDownload(): Postponing Sessions download until future connect.
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:578:consume_messages(): consume_messages rval:1
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [INFO] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:1458:publish_message_timeout_request(): requesting msg_timeout catchup
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [INFO] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:757:request_catchup(): SXPFollower expecting: 16 requesting catchup, target seq_no: 0 ,req_id: 1 snapshot entry offset: 0
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [INFO] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:792:request_catchup(): published catchup request
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:1515:change_follower_state(): entering transient state: 2, setting timer to 1619956560
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:576:consume_messages(): start consume_messages.
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:578:consume_messages(): consume_messages rval:0
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:648:get_follower_event(): session seq_no is: 16 next_seq_no is: 16
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:1225:process_message(): follower event is: CATCHUP_UPTODATE
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [INFO] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:1213:process_catchup_uptodate_message(): received catchup entry up-to-date msg.
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [INFO] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:977:process_buffered_messages(): begin to process 0 buffered messages
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [INFO] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:1010:process_buffered_messages(): completely processed buffered broadcast messages.
 May 02 11:56:00  SF-IMS[10482]: [10507] ADI:FPReplicationFollower [DEBUG] /var/tmp/build/workspace/IMS/IMS_6_7_0/FTD/src/libraries/fpreplication/src/FPReplicationFollower.cpp:576:consume_messages(): start consume_messages. 

Step 04: Terminate the process by sending ^C to your shell (CTRL +C on your keyboard)

Step 05: Enable adi process again

 root@ftd01:/home/admin# pmtool enableById adi

Step 06: Verify that adi is managed by process manager, up and running

 root@ftd01:/home/admin# pmtool status | grep adi
 adi (normal) - Running 10710
 Command: /ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/adi
 PID File: /ngfw/var/sf/run/
 Command: /ngfw/usr/local/sf/bin/beakerd --module-path=/ngfw/usr/local/sf/lib64 --log-file=/ngfw/var/log/beakerd.log --log-level=info --cfgdir=/ngfw/etc/sf/beakerd --pidfile=/ngfw/var/sf/run/ --enable-module=updater --enable-module=nikita --datadir=/ngfw/etc/sf/beakerd --listen=/ngfw/var/tmp/beaker_client.sock --listen=/ngfw/var/tmp/beaker_async_client.sock 


In this post we took a look at Firepowers pmtool utility and how we can use it control processes running on the system. You should now be able to verify the status of a process, restart it or disable it to perform additional system debugging. If you are interested in analyzing firepower logs checkout my post on pigtail, another useful troubleshooting utility for normalizing and analyzing firepower logfiles.

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Todd Lammle September 21, 2021 - 22:40

Oliver, this is a great, awesome and very useful, blog
Thank you for posting this.

William Barrera March 28, 2022 - 14:07

Enjoy reading your blog. Very useful and informative.


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